Wine is a popular drink all over the world that has different flavors depending on the place of production, the aging period, and the type of wine, whether it is red wine, white wine, or rose wine.
Many people wonder how wine can be beneficial and how to drink wine for health, even though it is an alcoholic beverage. This is because the main ingredient, grapes, are a fruit with many properties that help nourish the body and reduce the risk of serious diseases. ทางเข้า ufabet would like to present the advantages and health benefits of drinking wine.
1. Anti Aging
In grapes, because the antioxidants in red wine help protect the body from free radical damage and slow down the aging process. Red wine has a higher concentration of an antioxidant called poly, compared to grape juice.
Spanish researchers suggest that drinking red wine may help slow down aging after finding melatonin in grape skin. And many foods such as onions, rice and cherries can protect cells from damage with increasing lifespan. Which should start eating from the age of 30 years because red wine really slows down aging. And also helps improve heart health But you should drink it in the right amount as well.
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease.
Resveratrol in wine helps strengthen the heart. This substance functions to change the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents blood from clumping, reduces the problem of blood clots, and reduces the risk of heart disease by 30-40%.
Drinking red wine in the right amount, consistently every day, as the French do, reduces the risk of heart disease and heart failure by 50%.
In addition to being a refreshing drink for the body, white wine also makes seafood taste delicious. Importantly, it has properties that help digestion and can eliminate toxins from seafood that are harmful to the digestive system miraculously.
3. Reduce and prevent cancer.
Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in grapes, raspberries, peanuts, and other plants. Evidence suggests that resveratrol can reduce free radicals and lower the incidence of cancer in laboratory animals, as well as inhibit the growth of cancer cells in culture plates. It also reduces NF kappa B, a protein produced by a stimulated immune system. Therefore, it can be concluded that drinking wine can help fight cancer.
4. Reduce cholesterol levels
It is well known that red wine contains tannins or astringency, which in addition to preventing heart disease, also helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels. If there is a lot of cholesterol in the blood vessels, it can cause abnormal blood circulation.
5. Helps with digestion
Fried and processed foods contain Malonaldehydes, which are substances that have a negative effect on the digestive system of the body. Studies have found that drinking red wine with such foods can help to remove these substances by 60-70 percent. Therefore, the ability to help break down these substances is beneficial for digestion.
6. Helps reduce and relieve stress.
Wine helps with stress. Wine is a sedative, which helps the body relax, thus reducing stress or anxiety, and allowing you to sleep longer.
7. Prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Researchers have found that red wine can help reduce memory loss. Resveratrol, a compound in red wine, has been shown to protect against brain degeneration. The
research team studied 7,983 wine drinkers who regularly drank one to three glasses of wine a day between 1990 and 1999. They found that the people did not develop Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.
8. Healthy gums and teeth
Wine has antibacterial properties in the mouth, and research has shown that polyphenols, natural compounds found in grape seeds and red wine, have anti-inflammatory properties that help fight the inflammation caused by bacterial gum infections, or gingivitis.
9. Wine helps prevent colds.
Did you know that compounds found in wine can help prevent colds? The Cold Center at Cardiff University has reported that the antioxidant properties of red wine may help prevent colds. A one-year study of 4,000 volunteers found that those who drank more than two glasses of red wine a day had 44% fewer colds than those who did not drink wine at all.
How to drink wine to be healthy?
Drinking wine for health, if consumed in the right amount, will benefit you, but drinking too much can have negative effects. The recommended amount of wine is no more than 2 glasses/day or approximately 250-300 ml, and women should drink no more than 1 glass/day or approximately 125-150 ml.