“Fish meat” is a great protein, rich in Omega 3. Which type has the lowest fat?

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Fish meat is considered a first-class protein, easy to digest, easy to chew, suitable for all ages, especially the elderly. Reveals a list of fats in fish and the best cooking methods.

Fish is considered a meat with high nutritional value. It is a source of protein level 1 when compared to other meats. It is also easy to digest, has good fat, vitamins, and many minerals. Therefore, it is suitable for all ages. Normally, fish has an edible portion of about 55-80 percent. Among various types of fish, it is recommended that dried gourami has more protein than other types when compared to protein sources from other types of meat. All types of raw fish, boiled fish, and steamed fish have low fat and energy. Grilled and fried fish have a little more fat and energy.

Fresh fish can be classified by the amount of fat in the fish.

  • Very low-fat fish (less than or equal to 2 grams per 100 grams) include eel, snakehead fish, tilapia, red snapper, and grouper.
  • Low-fat fish (more than 2-4 grams per 100 grams) include tuna, sea bass, black pomfret and king mackerel.
  • Fish with moderate fat content (more than 4-5 grams per 100 grams) include snakehead fish, carp, and white pomfret.
  • Fish with high fat content (more than 8-20 grams per 100 grams) include snakehead fish, swai fish, catfish, and cottonfish.

At the same time, fish also contains many types of important unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), http://ufabet999.com which help prevent atherosclerosis and reduce blood fat levels. They are found in large amounts in marine and freshwater fish that are commonly raised for sale. Eating fish regularly will also keep you away from bone and tooth diseases caused by calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium deficiencies. In addition, they are relatively high in iron, which helps strengthen blood. Importantly, fish contain low amounts of sodium, potassium, and chloride, which can cause high blood pressure, except for some types of fish, such as gourami, steamed mackerel, or fish that have been marinated in salt or fish sauce.

However, it is recommended to eat cooked fish to prevent the dangers of parasites in raw fish. You should also choose to get quality protein and fat from various sources, adding variety to each meal to get the benefits of all 5 food groups.