One of the diseases that are currently found is “cystitis”, especially for working-age people who have to sit for long periods of time. When they are busy with work, they tend not to get up to go to the bathroom. They like to hold their urine. When they are doing something interesting or have to hold their urine in the car during traffic jams. All of these behaviors are the cause of “cystitis”.
Let’s get to know “cystitis” first.
Cystitis is one of the groups of urinary tract infections caused by bacterial infection from around the urethra, which is common in women because women have a short urethra. And it is close to the vagina and anus, which are sources of many germs. Therefore, ทางเข้า ufabet germs can easily enter through the urethra. On the other hand, men have a longer urethra and it is further away from the anus, so the chances of germs passing into the bladder are much lower.
Frequent holding of urine, using unclean bathrooms. The cause of “cystitis”
is not just holding urine that causes urinary tract infection. But there are many other factors that cause urinary tract infection, such as using unclean bathrooms. Sexually transmitted infections, vaginal douching with antibiotics, and poor genital hygiene, such as wiping the genitals from the back to the front, which increases the chance of infection from the vagina and anus.
“Frequent urination, incomplete urination” is an indication of the disease.
People with urinary tract infections often have frequent urination, dribbling or incomplete urination, feel incomplete urination even though they have finished urinating, often have difficulty urinating or a burning sensation when urinating. Some people may also experience lower abdominal pain or other abnormalities. Such as urine with a foul odor, cloudy color, or bloody urine, and may have a fever or vomit.
Although urinary tract infections do not have serious complications, allowing the symptoms to occur frequently until they become chronic can cause the infection to spread and lead to “pyelitis” or“kidney failure”. In men, if the symptoms are severe, the infection can spread to cause “prostatitis”.
Therefore, treatment should not be overlooked. If you have symptoms of “frequent urination” ordifficulty urinating”, you should see a doctor for a thorough examination. Because cystitis, if left untreated, can be a silent killer that threatens to harm the body as well.