Get to know: What is a Seborrheic keratosis?

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Seborrheic keratosis is a growth of skin cells that form into a brown to black growth. It can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly occurs on the face, neck, chest, back, and under the eyes. Appears as a flat bump or a raised skin tag. It is most common in people over the age of 50 and can affect both men and women. 

Seborrheic keratosis: are similar to freckles, but they differ from freckles in that they come in a variety of sizes, from small to large, and can be round, ทางเข้า ufabet, flat, or raised. They come in a variety of colors, from the color of our skin, light brown, dark brown, to black. Skin tags are often cause by genetics, and the older we get, the more we see them. Sun exposure is one of the factors that causes skin tags. Skin tags can be irritating, but they are not painful and do not cause any harm to the body.

Areas where Seborrheic keratosis are commonly are as follows:

  • Face: Freckles on the face mostly appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and around the eyes. Which are areas that are expos to direct sunlight, making it easy for melanin to accumulate.
  • Neck: The skin on the neck is delicate and sensitive, making it more prone to warts, especially when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time.
  • Chest: The skin on the chest is often expos to sunlight and UV rays, which can trigger freckles, caused by an overproduction of melanin.
  • Shoulders and Back: Skin tags can occur on the shoulders and back, especially in fair-skin and photosensitive people, as these areas are frequently expos to the sun in everyday life.
  • Arms and legs: Skin tags can also appear on the arms and legs, although they are less common than on the face and body, but they are still a problem that requires attention and proper treatment.

Skin tags do not require treatment because they do not cause any harm, unless the wants to remove the skin tags for cosmetic reasons or the skin in that area affects daily life, such as irritation or bleeding when rubbing against clothing.